Commission Subclause D in REINSW Agency Agreement

This article walks through how an admin can set the default answer for the Commission subclase D within the REINSW Agency Agreement

Step by Step 

1. Navigate to  

2. Choose the desired office

3. Simply click on the Settings option located in the top right-hand corner.

4. Next, you'll be taken to your Sign office settings. Within the "Update Company Details" Tab, simply scroll down to find the "AGENTS REMUNERATION" section.

5. You will come across the question "Would you like to exclude subclause (d) from the Agent's Remuneration section?

6. Select your preferred option

7. Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "update company details" to ensure your changes are saved.

8. Moving forward, any new Agency Agreement created by your team will automatically default to the answer set for sub clause D based on your office settings.