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  2. Pitch
  3. Comparables in your Pitch

Creating a Recent Sale

Office admins need to connect their Pricefinder or CoreLogic credentials to be able to create comparables. In cases the credentials are not available, as a workaround, you may create a recent sale instead.

For more information on linking your data provider and creating your own comparables see below!

👉 Linking CoreLogic
👉 Linking Pricefinder
👉 Using the filters in the comparable section

Create a Recent Sale.

  1. Upload an image of the property on the Add Photo box by dropping in the photo or clicking on the box and selecting the photo from the pop-up window.
  2. Add in the following details:
  3. Photo
  4. Property Address
  5. Property Details
  6. After adding these details, you can click on the Add button.


  • To edit the comparable, click on the kebab menu button and click Edit.
  • Once you're done editing the comparable, click on Submit.