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Enhanced comparable search for CoreLogic & PropTrack

We have improved address matching for Property Data Providers ensures we display relevant comparables at all times. This article walks through the logic we use when suggesting comparables from CoreLogic & PropTrack.

Before you begin:

  • This enhancement is available for offices connected to CoreLogic Au, CoreLogic NZ, and PropTrack as their property data provider

  • At the moment , the enhancement is not available for offices connected to Pricefinder as their data property provider

What did we change?

Improve address matching for Property Data Providers ensures we display relevant comparables at all times.

Previously, comparables were searched using the exact campaign address, but there are so many different formats for an address.

  • St or Street

  • Ave or Avenue

  • Unit 1 or Apt 1 or 1/20

  • Sometimes if it is a new development the agent thinks the suburb is x when the data provider has it under y

This resulted in comparables across the whole country being displayed rather than relevant comparbales.

CoreLogic AU & NZ

For CoreLogic AU / NZ, when suggesting comparables, we will search with:

  1. Exact Address

  2. Street

  3. Suburb

  4. Postcode


In the unlikely event that there are still no properties to be displayed, a help text in the online form will show instructions on how to use the search bar to look for a specific property or create a new comparable property.

bf708344-e45c-4497-81f6-91f43727d4cfNotification message with instructions to use the search bar or create new comparables


For PropTrack, when suggesting comparables, we will search with:

  1. Exact Address

  2. Then we try again with just the suburb


3. If no comparable properties are found, we will display a notification in the online form with instructions to use the search bar to search for a specific property or create a new comparable property.


How about the filters on the left hand side?

 If you update the filters on the left-hand side of the screen and clicks search, the search will be done based on the above flow and the filter ie Exact address with filters → Enhanced search with filers.

Note: If we were unable to find comparables with an exact address match and have to extend the search using the street name, suburb etc

The “Radius” and sort by “Distance” filters will not be available as these filters refer to the exact address. The default sort-by option will then be changed from Distance [Closest] to Date [Newest-Oldest].

Aside from this, other filters should work the same.

yDisabled filters: Radius and Sort by Distance [Closest]