What does it mean when someone is following a property I listed?

Realtair Sell allows potential buyers to follow a property so they can be kept up to date when activity happens on that property, such as the auction commencing or an offer being made.

As the agent you can easily communicate with all followers and let them know an offer has been made, bringing urgency to the sale. Your followers can be used to help grow your prospecting list.

Getting started is easy.

  1. Share the QR code or link to the Realtair Sell listing with potential buyers, encouraging them to click ‘Follow’
  2. Your buyer follows the listing and creates an account
  3. View followers and communicate with them from within Realtair

Follow a property


  1. Open your listing in Realtair Sell 
  2. Click on Share and:
  3. Copy and share the Link with your clients
  4. Download the QR code to add to your marketing materials
  5. Share the link or QR code with potential buyers and encourage them to follow the property


  1. Scan the QR code or follow the link provided by the agent
  2. Click on Follow on the property listing
  3. Sign in with your Realtair Account or sign up for a new account

Manage followers

Communicate with followers

You can easily communicate with all followers of a property from within Realtair Sell. 

View Followers

To view a list of all followers of a property:

  1. Open the property from the campaign dashboard in Realtair and click on the Sell Tab
  2. In the page header, you will see the number of followers displayed, click here to view a list of Followers, their phone numbers and email address.