Generate a SignAnything document

SignAnything is a feature within our platform that allows users to request signatures on any PDF documents of their choice.

1. Go to the campaign, select the "Sign" tab, click "Create" and select SignAnything from the dropdown

2. Either choose from your presets, OR upload the PDF

3. Enter the document name 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Only PDF documents are allowed.

3. From here, you can

  • Add your Signatories 
  • Insert a text box
  • Strike out text on the PDF 
  • Add a checkbox to the PDF  

4. Once you have added the signature boxes and other changes, click Save as Preset or Save

Save as preset - this is saves the PDF as a preset, great to use if you are signing the same PDF with different details such as a sales check list 

5. Once you have save the PDF, you can request sigantures

  • Sign in person - if the signer is with you physically 
  • Sign remotely - sends the signature request to the signer via email