Getting started in Pitch

Getting started with the Pitch is easy! Just follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Realtair Platform at with your Realtair username and password or if you are an Ignite user follow instructions here.
  • Read on below for a quick walk through of how to navigate the new platform.
  • Need to create and send new presentation? Follow the guide here


At the top of the page you'll see a quick view of reporting showing some key stats on your generated presentations.



Use the filters to edit the dashboard view to display only particular types of presentation - ie if you would like to view only your current Price Update prospects you can quickly filter here to see them. 


Click to create a presentation

Creating a new presentation is easy - click the green create button


Viewing a presentation card

Presentation cards are designed to give you an overview of the key details of your presentation.

  • Property title
  • Template type
  • Primary agent
  • Date created
  • Status (Draft, Generated or Viewed)
