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  2. Managing your Task & To-do list

Managing my tasks in a campaign

We are currently piloting our task management feature with a limited group of customers - if you would like to try it out reach out to us at product_updates@realtair.com.

In your campaign tasks are organised into a view called Kanban which is used widely across many different industries to visualise tasks and see at a glance who is working on what, progress of the task and when they are due/completed.

You will see in the board we have created there are 4 columns present.

  1. To do - all tasks that are required to be done but are not currently being worked on
  2. Doing - all tasks that are being worked on at the moment
  3. On hold - any tasks that cannot be completed at the moment/are waiting for more info or another action to be taken before they can be worked on
  4. Done - tasks that have been successfully completed

Tasks can be dragged from column to column as necessary - to get more info about a task or to check items off a checklist within the card simply click to open.