How to complete verification of identity (VOI) for my Agency Agreement

The agent is required to verify the vendor’s identity as part of the signing process when listing a property. There are 2 options to complete this process within Realtair - in person or remotely.

Step by Step (In person)

👍This workflow is specifically for offices using REINSW, ADL NSW & EAC NSW as their form provider.  

  1. Generate your agency agreement (link to the appropriate KB)

  2. Click verify in-person

  3. Fill in the details on the page


4. Once you fill in all the details, the NSW Govt Identity checklist for vendors will populate with all the details you entered and added to the end of the Agency Agreement bundle.

NSW Govt Identity

5. Once signed the VOI doc is only visible on the status page and will not be included if they download the AA

status 2

What details to fill in

  1. Primary proof

    1. Select the primary proof

    2. Upload (optional)

    3. Fill in the document number & date of issue

    4. Fill in expiry date & place of issue

verification document

2. Secondary proof - tick the secondary proof of identification you sighted

secondary proof of identification

3. Proof of legal ownership -tick the proof of legal ownership that you sighted

Proof of legal ownership

Step by Step (Remote)

1. Generate your agency agreement (link to the appropriate KB)

2. Click Remote Options and Tick the sign & verify boxes


3. Vendor will receive 2 emails to complete their verification and sign the Agency Agreement

voi 2

4. Vendor will need to upload a copy of their photo ID, the ID is visible to the agent prior to signing the agreement

5. Once all parties have signed, the remote VOI document is not visible when you download the Agency Agreement, you can only access it via the status page. 

status 1

status 2-1