How to set a primary office - (Admin guide)

Step-by-Step Guide for Office Administrators in the office to Set a Primary Office in Accounts.

What is a primary office?

This is the office that is designated to be the default office which is used in the following:

  • Create campaigns
  • Getting credentials to use for various integrations e.g. CRM, data providers, etc.
  • The sign uses the primary office to prefill office & agent details on agreements

Note: If the user only has one office this is their primary office.

Navigate to Accounts

1. Go to Accounts using the app switcher:

2024_Realtair_Accounts_App switcher (1)

Search for a user

1. In Accounts, go to Users and Groups and click Users.

2024_Realtair_Sign_Accounts users and group menu

2. Simply type in the user's name or email address

2024_Realtair_Sign_Accounts search user

Updating User/Office/s:

1. Select a user to get to the user details page

2. Click Settings

2024_Realtair_Sign_Accounts user settings

3. Scroll down to the Offices section

2024_Realtair_Accounts_User offices


a. Displays the current lists and order of offices of the user → this means that this is the list of the office the user is currently linked to:

b. New offices are added to the bottom of the listYou can use the search & add office to link additional offices)

c. Rearrange order of offices by using the hamburger icon to drag and drop officesthis will update only the user you are updating and will not update any other related users to agent like assistant agents etc.

4. Set the user's Primary office:

1. Select the user's Primary office from the hamburger menu; the top office in the list is designated as the Primary office.

2. Make sure to use the update user settings button to save changes


2024_Realtair_Accounts_Hamburger menu