How To Update/Edit A Signed Authority (VIC)

By following these steps, you can effectively update or edit a signed authority.


Agents often need to make changes to a signed authority/agency agreement - such as extending the end date on the agreement. These features allow the agent to make updates to the agreement and request for vendor initials without voiding the original signatures. 

Before you start

  • Available for Victoria only.

  • Available when the authority is already signed by both the vendor and the agent.

  • You can make changes to the authority prior to signing via the 'edit' -> 'edit whole form' button


Step by step

Click for an interactive walkthrough: : VIC - Editing a signed authority 

1. Once the Authority is fully signed, the Update+SIGN button will be visible on the top right hand corner of the signed document.


2. Click on Update+SIGN to make changes to the signed document, a message will pop up to warn that the signing order will be disabled if you go ahead and do the update


3. After clicking PROCEED, you can now make changes to the signed document by clicking CUSTOM OPTIONS, changes you can make include: 

    • Strikethrough - strike out parts of the document

    • Custom Text - Add text box to mark up changes to the document

    • Add Initials - Add initial box requests for all signers to any section of the document ; we will also add the date of initialling to the document. Make sure to add all sign boxes/ initials boxes for all signers before saving your inputted changes.

    • Add Signatures - Add signature box requests for all signers to any section of the document; we will also add the date of signing to the document

    • Add Date Signed - A field that can be added to sections of the document that will display the last date the document has been fully signed.

    • Add File - upload a PDF file at the bottom of the document.

    VIC 4

4. Once you add all the changes to the document, click save and wait for the changes to apply.


5. A pop up will appear so you can send the document for initialling/signing - either in person or remotely.



  1. Who can access the update + sign button - PA, secondary agent & office admin

  2. Once I click update +sign and send the document for initial - what happens to the “View & sign document ” email that the signer had received? If a vendor tries to click the link in their email (and the agent has clicked the edit + sign button) to make changes - the vendor will be redirected to the login page (ie they can't view / sign the old doc) and the vendor can only access the new doc from the new email

  3. Will I be able to revert the document back to its previous state before adding changes from the new feature? - provided that the document was not saved after adding changes in Update+SIGN, yes.

  4. Can I add changes to the document again after submitting my changes from the feature? - Yes, but you need to finish the first round signing process before accessing update+sign feature again.