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  3. Price Update Reminders

Managing your Price Update reminders

In addition to reassigning and changing the priority of your Price Update reminders there are also some key things to know about how to tailor the settings to suit your different vendors needs.

Changing the due date

You can do this via the to do list.

Or alternatively, just click on the task in the campaign and you can also change it there.

Changing the frequency we send reminders

We know that you may want to stay in touch more frequently with certain hot leads. You can do this by changing the frequency settings for that campaign from the to do list.

Or alternatively, just click on the task in the campaign and you can also change it there.

Marking your Price Update reminder as done

As long as you follow one of the below actions to send your price update you don't need to worry, we'll do this for you!

  • Send from Realtair via SMS
  • Copy the link of the Price Update
  • Download the Price Update as a PDF

Turning off price updates for a campaign

We know that for certain campaigns you may not want to send price updates any longer, there are a few ways to manage this.

You can switch the Price Update reminder off from your to do list.

Or go to the campaign and switch it off from there.

If the campaign is won and you create and sign an agency agreement or Form 6 we will automatically turn off the Price Updates for the campaign.

You can also update the status yourself manually.

Archiving a task

You may also archive a task if you wish by navigating to the tasks tab in the relevant campaign.

Simply open the task and click the menu top right and choose to archive this task.

Click to confirm and your task will be added to the archive

You may view the archive task of a campaign and unarchive a task if you wish.

Can I set the number of comparables I want Realtair to add to my auto-generated price updates?

Yes, absolutely.
There are 2 ways to change this: 

1. Updating your settings in the Task Builder will change the settings for all your campaigns


2. Alternatively, just click on the task in the campaign and you can also change it there.


Can I change my comparable filters for a specific campaign? 

Yes, absolutely!
Aside from the template editor settings, we have added a save functionality in the comparable online form that allows agents and admins to save the filters and set it as the default search filters for the whole campaign.