Realtair Platform FAQ's

Why use the Realtair Platform?

In a nutshell, we believe it’s easier and faster to use but here’s rundown on some of the key benefits

  • No more switching between systems - a single view of your campaigns, with all pitch & sign documents in one central location. 
  • Information at your fingertips - our dashboard will show you at a glance the status and last activity for every property in your Realtair database
  • Less clicks to get to what you need right now
    • If you are a pitch user and you want to follow up on a presentation you can see right away if it’s been viewed and when letting you know when the right time is to pick up the phone and call
    • If you are a sign user click on your campaign and you’ll instantly see which party the contract is with and who is still to sign

Do I need to subscribe to Pitch or Sign before I can start using the Realtair Platform?

Yes you need to be a user of either Pitch, Sign or Sell to experience the new platform.

Can I continue using Pitch and Sign separately, and use the Realtair Platform in parallel?

Yes, you will still be able to access and use Pitch and Sign as you would do usually.

What are the events that can automatically trigger the changing status of my campaign?

Here's a quick cheat sheet with a list of all statuses and associated triggers.

Status Triggers
  • Campaign created
  • Price update created from Pitch
  • Creation of proposal or digital introduction in Pitch
  • Creation of agency agreement in Sign
  • Agency Agreement signed in Sign
  • Contract generated in Sign
Live listing
  • Property is activated in Sell
Under offer
  • Contract signed in Sell or Sign
  • Contract is marked as exchanged in Sign
  • Contract is marked as sold


What do the numbers on the reporting panel represent?

The reporting panel looks like this

Here's a handy guide to what each of those numbers represent:

  • Price update: number of templates generated with type of price update in the defined time period
  • Proposal: number of templates generated with type of proposal in the defined time period
  • Price Updates Converted: Number of campaigns that have generated price update and proposal presentations in the defined time period
  • New Listings: Total number of campaigns that have been set to “listing” or “live listing” in the defined time period
  • Sold Listings: total number of campaigns that have been set to “under offer”, “exchanged” and “settled” in the defined time period

And also a rundown on each of the time frames you can filter by:

  • Month - current month to date ie all numbers from 1st October
  • Quarter - current quarter to date, quarters cover
  •     Jan - March inclusive
  •     April - June inclusive
  •     July - Sept inclusive
  •     Oct - Dec inclusive
  • Year - current year to date

My campaign is at the wrong status, can I change it?

The status of your campaign automatically updates as you complete actions in Pitch and Sign; however, you can also update the status manually if you wish. To do this simply click on the campaign you wish to change and alter the status in the dropdown.

The triggers that prompt the status to update are as below.

Status Triggers
  • Campaign created
  • Price update created from Pitch
  • Creation of proposal or digital introduction in Pitch
  • Creation of agency agreement in Sign
  • Agency Agreement signed in Sign
  • Contract generated in Sign
Live listing
  • Property is activated in Sell
Under offer
  • Contract signed in Sell or Sign
  • Contract is marked as exchanged in Sign
  • Contract is marked as sold

On the dashboard I’ve noticed that I have a lot of duplicate campaigns, can I merge them?

Currently it’s not possible to merge campaigns but we are working on this and it’s coming soon! Until then when you view a duplicate campaign you will see links to other Pitch presentations and Sign documents with a matching address. We hope by doing this it will be easier to navigate to any presentations or documents that exist in a duplicate campaign. 

How do I avoid creating duplicate campaigns?

When you have an existing campaign we recommend creating all additional Pitch presentations or Sign documents from the relevant campaign page in the new experience. When you do this we will flag any potential duplicates we find.

Can you filter campaigns to see only those where a presentation has been viewed? ie. Can I see all price updates that have been viewed in the past week? Or price updates viewed more than once?

Not currently but this has been a common request from our pilot group and something we are currently working on.