FAQ's NSW Sign - Contract

1. What do I have to name the contract?

We always recommend using the property address 

2. Why are the text boxes not lining up?

Depending on the type of contract you load, each PDF contract is different. Simply click on the text boxes and drag them to line them up in their desired spot. 

Note: ensure the contract date text box is within the box on the contract that agents can amend.

3. What are document information and document fields?

Document information is where you input the vendor, purchaser, and sale details in. Once you input all the required information then the boxes will turn green. Document fields are the text boxes needed to put on the contract. 

For example: when you load a contract there will be one text box for the vendor and one for the purchaser. In the instance you have two vendors and purchasers, you will need to add purchaser twos signature box on the contract and you can find this signature box in the document fields section. 

4. Why is the vendor details box green?

If you have signed the agency agreement for the property you loaded the contract for and selected the address from the current campaign, Sign will push over the vendor details so, Sign will recognize you have the required information hence why it will turn green. 

5. Why do I have to put the vendor and purchaser's mobile and email when it doesn't show on the contract?

The reason being is that to send a contract to be signed remotely we require an email address as this is how the recipient will receive the document for signing. A mobile number is required for legal purposes and will show on the sign signature log in the back end for any reference needed. 

6. Why do I need to put the vendor's information in when they are already on the front page of the contract? 

This information is required so you are able to send the contract remotely to the vendor for signing. Hence the email address field is a required field.

7. How do I add in a second vendor or purchaser? 

Simply click add vendor or add purchaser and input their details. 

Note: if your purchasers have the same address then only one will show on the contract. If they have different addresses then two will show.

8. Why can't I type in the purchaser's solicitor's address?

We always recommend you type in the purchaser's solicitor's address in the reference section and move that text box under the solicitor name and company details on the contract for the meantime until the team creates a solicitor address field. 

9. What if my purchaser does not have a buyer's agent?

You can simply click the buyer's agent text box and hit delete 

10. Do I need to witness an electronic signature? 

Witness signatures are not required on any contract signing, even if it's in person however if you wish to input your details in the vendor and purchaser witness box you can.

Note: if you put your details in the document information section you will need to put the signature field box in on the contract for signing. 

11. What if I need to amend the settlement date? 

If you scroll down on the left-hand side under the document fields section you will find custom options. Here you have the text rule out symbol. Simply click that, then click on the settlement date on the contract and drag your mouse on the text you need to cross out. 

12. How do I put the new settlement date in? 

In your custom options, there is a text box in which you can click on the drop into the section of the contract you want to add text. Once your text box is added in, scroll back down to the custom options and write your text in there. 

13. How do I tick another inclusion?

In your custom options there is a tick box, simply click on that then click on the inclusion box you wish the tick to appear. 

Note: remember to save any changes as you go.

14. How do I add in special conditions or an authority to exchange? 

On the right-hand side of the contract, you will be able to see a 5 icon bar, if you hover your mouse over the first icon you will see document pages. If you click on this you will see the button add file. Once you click on this you are able to upload any additional documents needed. Note that any additional documents loaded into the contract will drop in at the bottom of the contract. 

Note: if you require the vendor or purchaser to sign this additional document, scroll those to the document and use the document fields section to add in vendor/purchaser names and vendor/purchaser signature boxes. 

15.  How do I reorder a page?

On the right-hand side of the contract, you will be able to see a 5 icon bar, if you hover your mouse over the first icon you will see document pages. If you click on this you will see an arrow button inline with the page number. Once you click the arrow button a pop-up reorder page will display and from here use the move current page drop-down field to be able to choose which page you want the document to be part of 

16. How do I send the contract to a vendor or purchaser's email? 

On the right-hand side of the contract, you will be able to see a 5 icon bar, if you hover your mouse over the second icon you will see a signature. If you click on the signing options will appear. To send the contract for signing to a vendor or purchaser click on the ‘sign remotely’ button, tick the box of those who you wish to send the contract, and hit send the signature request. The recipients will receive an email with instructions on how to sign. 

17. How do I sign a contract in person? 

On the right-hand side of the contract, you will be able to see a 5 icon bar, if you hover your mouse over the second icon you will see a signature. If you click on the signing options will appear. Click sign in person and hand the device over to the vendor or purchaser. They will need to consent to sign by way of electronic signature, hit the start button in the top right-hand corner then they will be taken to the signature box where they are required to sign, sign the contract, and hit the finish in the top right-hand corner. 

18. What do I do after all parties have signed?

Once all parties have signed whether it's in person or remotely, you as the agent will receive an email notification advising all parties have signed and the contract is ready to exchange. Once all parties have signed you can proceed to exchange the contract. 

19. How do I exchange the contract after all parties have signed it? 

Log in to sign and open up the contract where all parties have signed. In the top right-hand corner, you will see an exchange button. Once this button is clicked then the date will populate on the contract and an exchanged stamp will show on the button right-hand corner of the front page. 


  • Signing electronically will only produce one copy of the contract therefore all parties will sign one contract. 

  • Please be wary of the date you click the exchange button. The day you click the exchange button is the date that will show on the contract. So be cautious if the vendor and purchaser sign on different days then you execute the exchange on another. 

20. What do I do after contracts are exchanged? 

Simply download a copy of the signed contract and send an electronic copy to the solicitors or print a copy to send via post to the solicitors. 

21. What do I tell solicitors that are requesting the original copy of the exchanged contract? 

Advise the solicitors that this was a digital exchange and the copy provided to them can be taken as the original. 

22. I’m having trouble emailing the signed contract to the solicitor when downloaded as the file is too big.

On the right-hand navigation panel in the contract screen, please click on the link icon, get the link and send it directly to the solicitor.

23. What if I want the vendors and purchasers to sign separate contracts? 

This is possible however you won't be able to digitally exchange the contract. You would need to print and manually date the contract. 

24. Can I get one party to sign electronically and the other to sign on paper? 

Yes, this can be done. Once the party signing electronically has signed, simply print that contract and date accordingly.