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  2. Realtair Sign/Sell Contract Integration

Understanding the Functionality of Sign/Sell Contract Integration

Integrating electronic signatures with sales contracts, sign/sell contract integration streamlines the signing and selling processes, improving efficiency and reducing manual tasks. By automating these transactions, businesses can speed up deal closures, enhance customer experiences, and increase overall productivity.

What is it?

  • Often Master contracts are generated in Sign, and the agent would need to upload them in Sell again. From now, if there is a master contract in Sign, when the property is activated it will automatically attach that master contract from Sign under the Documents Section - Contract and named - “Master Contract from Sign


  • Buyer details are often collected from the prospective buyer or bidder within the Sell - whether that is through the make-an-offer process or bid registration, essentially we will populate the buyer and sale details onto the contract, instead of asking the agent to manually enter all these details again

  • This integration saves agents time and effort when generating a contract from an offer or winning bidder from Sell

  • All the agent has to do is review and send it off to the signing

What is the benefit of this update for our customers?

  • Save time

    • You dont have to re-type all the details that the buyers had entered.

    • You dont have to upload the contract if they have a master in Sign

What data is being shared between Sign / Sell?

When clicking on the ‘Generate Contract’ and ‘Prepare and Sign’ buttons in Sell:

For contract upload - it will use the Master contract in Sign, and populate the details from Sell onto it.