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  2. Realtair Sign/Sell Contract Integration

Realtair Sign/Sell Contract Integration - FAQ's

This document addresses common questions regarding the integration of sign and sell processes within contracts.

I have both contract and contract form in my campaign, which contract will be used to generate the contract (VIC)

It will be the Contract Template tagged as Master on the campaign, so if they created a contract form and that is tagged as Master we will use that to generate the contract from Sell.

I have used the duplicate contract function, which contract will the buyer’s details generate on ?

The Master contract

In Contract Form,if there are 5 contracts, which contract will pull through when I click “Generate Contract”

The Master Contract

What are the pre-requisite for the generate contract button to work in Sell?

  • Correct sign settings = Form Templates, Doc Templates, Office and Agent Settings set-up

  • Platform subscriber

  • The correct Office and Account alignment

  • Also, a Sell user should only belong to one group(can be multiple offices but should be the same group).

What are the limitations?

  • Vendor details from SELL tab can't overwrite Master Contract vendor details when it has been generated before adding Vendor details in SELL Tab. This is a limitation and an edge case. As for fixing it, no prio yet. Would say its low impact as well.

  • Annexure table and special conditions is not part of the SIGN SELL integration yet.

  • Deposit related issues

Does it work for an auctioneer who is not a subscriber of Realtair

Yes, this will work for any user including the auctioneer and admins as long as they have access to the campaign and can see the activated Sell tab(meaning the PA is a subscriber).

Does it work for the office admin & Assistant agent

Yes, this will work for any user including the auctioneer and admins as long as they have access to the campaign and can see the activated Sell tab(meaning the PA is a subscriber).

What happened when the agent generated the contract, realised the buyer had a middle name and updated it in the sell tab?

If the agent updates the buyer’s name in the sell tab, and clicks the regenerate contract, the name will be updated.

Our office uses a custom contract, can I still access that?

Yes, the integration will utilise the contract template linked in Sign.

The contract I generated via Sell, can I edit it at a later time in Sign?

Definitely and after generating a contract through Sell, the contract can be viewed and accessed from Sign.

Can I still access/use Sign’s features and functionalities?

Yes - All of the features and functionalities that are available in Sign’s contract workflow will be available in the Sell workflow and integration too (e.g. signing order, remote signing, exchange, collect deposit, counter offer etc)

I don’t have a draft contract PDF uploaded, can I still use Sign?

Yes, you can. If there’s no PDF uploaded, Sell will open the Sign Upload page in a new tab.