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Sign/Sell Contract Integration - How does it work for Contract Form

The Sign/Sell Contract Integration streamlines the process by seamlessly combining contract signing and selling procedures. This integration simplifies contract formation by integrating signing capabilities directly into the sales workflow.

QLD: Contract Form

What data is being shared for QLD Contract Form

  • Vendor Details - Name, Email, Mobile

  • Vendor Solicitor - Solicitor Name & Email

  • Buyer Details - Name, Mobile, Address, Email, Company Name (ABN & ACN)

  • Buyer Solicitor - Company Name, Solicitor Name, Phone, Email, Address

  • Buyer Agent - Name, Email, Address, Phone

  • Pricing - Purchase Price, Initial Deposit, and Balance Deposit

  • Settlement Period

Limitation with QLD Contract Form

Currently, we don't copy over the conditions from Sell to Sign, nor the finance condition offer question such as if the buyer is buying with cash or requires finance.

Custom questions on the make an offer process is not part of this integration, those custom question & the answers will NOT show on the contract.

  • What about if the contract was already prepared with special conditions /annexures on one of the duplicates?

    • The special conditions and annexures created from the duplicates won't go to the other contracts. It will only stay where they were created ie the master contract

    • If additional documents added in Sell get added to the signed contract these won't show on the generated contract. QLD users must use the annexure function to add these

How to

  1. Create your Master contract in Sign

  2. Activate your property in Sell

  3. When you are ready to generate a contract for the prospective buyer to sign (Offer or winning Bids)

  4. Head over to the Sell tab, and click on the Buyers from the left-hand side

2024_Realtair_SignSelll_ Buyers page

5. Under Contract of Sale - click either Generate Contract or “Re-generate contract”

2024_Realtair_SignSell_ Contract of sale

6. A pop-up will appear, click Prepare and sign the contract

2024_Realtair_SignSell_ prepare and sign

7. You will be redirected to the online form with the prepopulated details.

8. Review and add any additional special conditions or annexures (REMEMBER: Any documents you want to add to the contract you must add via annexure tab, documents added in the sell tab will not bundle in)

9. Send it off to the buyers to sign

2024_Realtair_SignSell_ Buyers sign


VIC - Contract Form

What data is being shared for VIC Contract Form

  • Vendor Details - Name, Email, Mobile

  • Buyer Details - Name, Mobile, Address, Email

  • Pricing - Purchase Price


Limitation with VIC Contract Form

Currently, we don't copy over the conditions from Sell to Sign, nor the finance condition offer question such as if the buyer is buying with cash or requires finance.

Custom questions on the make an offer process is not part of this integration, those custom question & the answers will NOT show on the contract.

How to for VIC Contract Form

  1. Create your Master contract in Sign

  2. Activate your property in Sell

  3. When you are ready to generate a contract for the prospective buyer to sign (Offer or winning Bids)

  4. Head over to the Sell tab, and click on the Buyers from the left-hand side

    2024_Realtair_SignSell_ VIC contract form

5. Under Contract of Sale - click either Generate Contract or “Re-generate contract”


6. A pop up will appear, click Prepare and sign the contract


7. The details will populate on the online form, continue like you normally would and click submit

2024_Realtair_SignSell_ Purchaser details


8. If you have added documents in the Sell tab - it will bundle to the contract at the end

2024_Realtair_SignSell_ Statement of info

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