How to publish ranking to buyers, re-order ranks & request buyers to update their offer

A quick guide how to publish to buyers, reordering ranks and requesting offer updates

Publish the Ranking to Buyers

1. Whilst on the Offer Ranking tab, you will see a message if the offer ranking is currently not viewable to your prospective buyers.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking publish ranking buyers

2. To enable, tick the Publish Offer Ranking to Buyers option on the Details tab, select your sub-options and click the Save button.

2024_Realtair_Sell_All options ticked-1

For more details on what each option means and what prospective buyers see, click here

3. If you have offers received prior to enabling, a pop-up will appear to notify the buyers about the offer ranking. You may modify the content of the email or choose not to send it.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking pop up message

4. All buyers who made an offer will receive the below email.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking offer email

Requesting Buyers to Update Their Offers

  1. Go to your campaign in Realtair.

  2. Navigate to the Sell section and click on Offer Ranking.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking campaign offer ranking tab

2. Select Request Offer Update to ask buyers to update their offers.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking request offer update tab

3. A pop up will appear and you can choose who to request an offer update from

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking request offer update

       c. The selected buyers will receive an email prompting them to update their offers.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking email

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking offer update 2ndNote: If you've already requested an update, you'll see the date and time of your last request.

Re-arranging Offers and Rankings

  1. Click on Update Ranking to manually adjust the offer order.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking request offer update tab2. You can also drag and reorder offers manually.

2024_Realtair_Sell_Offer ranking reorders offerNew offers will be automatically ranked based on the default ranking logic (offer amount, conditions, and submission time).

  1. Cancel if you don’t want to save any changes.

  2. Save as Draft if you want to save the updated ranking without notifying buyers or changing their rank on the listing page.

  3. Save and Publish to save the updated ranking and notify the prospective buyers of their new positions.