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  2. Managing your Task & To-do list

Task management FAQ's

How do I join the pilot for task management?

We are currently piloting our task management feature with a limited group of customers - if you would like to try it out reach out to us at product_updates@realtair.com.

It takes too long to create tasks manually for every campaign, can I setup a template?

Yes! Users in our pilot group are able to provide a template of desired tasks which we'll then use to auto populate all the tasks for each campaign.

Can I filter tasks by the status of my campaign? Ie can I see all the tasks relating to the listing stage only?

We're working on this right now - it's coming soon!

Can I see all the tasks assigned to me in one place instead of clicking in and out of each campaign?

We're working on this next - it's coming soon!

Can I setup automation/triggers related to tasks?

Not yet but this is definitely something we want to do - if you have some ideas about the kind of automation you might like to include in task management or any integrations that would be helpful to have in this feature please reach out to us at product_updates@realtair.com with your ideas.