VaultRE Open/Closed data base

Realtair customises the way we integrate with your VaultRE database based on on the settings you define. You can let us know you have an open database where contacts and properties are shared or a closed database where contacts and properties are locked down to the record owners.

Use the quick guide below to understand how open/closed settings work

  Open Closed
PULL (when we pull data from the VaultRE CRM to pre-populate property and contact details in Pitch and Sign) We will only pull data the primary agent has access to view. We will only pull data the primary agent has access to view.
PUSH (when we push data from Pitch and Sign to the VaultRE CRM to create a new contact or property record) When we create a record in the VaultRE CRM all agents will have access to view and edit. When we create a record in the VaultRE CRM only the primary agent will have access to view and edit.


When your DB is setup as "open" then you'll see properties and contact records we create are set to open for the office to share.


When your DB is setup as "closed" then you'll see properties and contact records we create are assigned to the primary agent of the campaign in Realtair Pitch or Sign.
