What is the difference between a Private offer and a regular manual offer?

This explanation outlines the key differences between a private offer and a regular manual offer.




Private Offer (before releasing)


Regular offers (Agent creating offers on behalf of buyers)


Access - Create, view, edit

Any user from the group can create but visible and editable only to the assigned agent, Assistant Agents, and Admins until released.

All users with campaign access can create and view. Editable only to the user who created it.

Pitch Presentations

Listing Agent, AA linked to listing agent & Office Admin - Create, edit & view

Other agents of the offices - cannot access Pitch tab


Sign Docs - Agency Agreements

Listing Agent, AA linked to listing agent & Office Admin Create, edit & view

Other agent of the office - Can only create a contract for their offers if master contract is available


Contract Generation

Contract generation is restricted if no Master Contract is available.

Contract generation is allowed even without a Master Contract.


Only visible to the assigned primary agent, along with its assistant agent and admin

Anyone who has access to the campaign


Only the Primary Agent receives notifications.

Notifications sent to listing agents.

Features - Agree/ Defer/ Offer Ranking

Not included in Offer Ranking. Agree/ Defer/ Send to Vendor/ Offer chat features are not available until released.

Always included in Offer Ranking. Features are always available.


Will not be notified when the timer is about to end in 5 minutes and when the countdown has ended

Will be notified when the timer is about to end in 5 minutes and when the countdown has ended