Manage Offers Received

As an agent, you can review a buyer’s offer within the Realtair Platform, Within the buyer tab you can:

  • Review their prospective buyer’s details

  • Review the offer and the conditions of the offer 

  • Accept, defer or send the offer to the vendor by clicking the appropriate buttons.

  • You can click “undo” if you have accidentally deferred an offer you wanted to accept

  • Chat with the buyer if you need to

  • Once you have agreed to an offer, you can generate the contract and sales advice for signing, as well as proceed to collect the initial deposit

Familiarise yourself with the different offer statuses below:

  • For Review - This is the first status when someone sends an offer.

  • Agreed - The status will change to Agreed when you click the Agree Offer button, clicking the button means the vendor agrees and is willing to consider the offer for acceptance. 

  • Deferred - This status shows up when you click the Defer Offer button.

  • Preparing Contract - The status will change once you click the Generate Contract button

  • Accepted - Once everyone signs the contract, the status will change to Accepted.

  • Exchanged - Status if the contract has been exchanged. This status is only available to States where exchanging of contracts is applicable.

  • Withdrawn - When the buyer decides to withdraw the submitted offer.